"Love has many faces. And I am not sure that what I feel is love.
Perhaps what I really miss and what I think I'll never feel is a special kind of love.
Made of complicity, understanding, sharing.
Maybe my role is not that.
If I think so, it will be easier to accept it."
It's all about words
"Oh my... so you are talking about man.
Let me understand: do you really think you are feeling incomplete cause you have not found the "right person"?
Do you mean that we are an half of apple?"
2 commenti:
Io alle metà delle mele ci credo poco, si può anche essere delle belle mele sane e rotonde tutte intere bastanti a sè stesse. Se poi ne arriva un'altra, di mela, e sta bene nel cestino, tanto meglio, sennò basta una per sè.
Sable [che commenta come un ortofrutta ed esprime altrettanta intelligenza del bancone di un ortofrutta]
Sono d'accordo con te :)
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